Here is a sample for triggering events from form to form. It's very useful if a control doesn't have a .value-property. I wrote a DLL (named TOOL.DLL) with a call to the VB-Function VBFireEvent. Here it is: #include #include "c:\vb\cdk\vbapi.h" int FAR PASCAL LibMain(HANDLE hInstance,WORD wDataSeg,WORD wHeapSize,LPSTR lpszCmdLine) { if (wHeapSize>0) UnlockData(0); return 1; } ERR _export CALLBACK FireEvent (HWND hWnd, USHORT index, LPVOID nullPtr) { HCTL hCtl; hCtl = VBGetHwndControl(hWnd); return VBFireEvent(hCtl, index, nullPtr); } My DEF-File looks like this: EXETYPE WINDOWS CODE PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE DATA PRELOAD MOVEABLE SINGLE HEAPSIZE 1024 EXPORTS WEP PRIVATE FireEvent In the General-Declaration of my VB-Applikation I added the following declaration: Declare Sub FireEvent Lib "c:\vb\tool.dll" (ByVal thisHwnd As Integer, ByVal thisIndex As Integer, thisPtr As Long) The VB-Code looks like this: Dim hWnd As Integer Dim index As Integer Dim ptr As Long hWnd = formA.comboA.hWnd index = 1 x$ = comboB.Text temp = SendMessage(hWnd, CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, ByVal x$) Call FireEvent(hWnd, index, ptr) The result: The selected text from Combo-Box B is first selected in Combo-Box A with the SendMessage-Function. Then FireEvent generates a Click-Event on Combo-Box A. It works fast and without any flickering. Peter